Entries for the ‘Off Topic’ Category

Apple will reportedly launch an unambitious 4K Apple TV – The Verge

Thursday, February 16th, 2017

Don’t waste your hard earned money on this crappy product by Apple. Requiring an iTunes installation to update these devices is simply arrogant and completely not consumer friendly. The competition offers much better options.

Source: Apple will reportedly launch an unambitious 4K Apple TV – The Verge

Amazon is dropping registration support for its earliest Kindle models – The Verge

Saturday, February 11th, 2017

Strikes me as a very good reason not to buy Amazon electronic devices. They have now proven they will orphan the product on a whim and leave their clients with a piece of junk.

Source: Amazon is dropping registration support for its earliest Kindle models – The Verge

TV maker VIZIO fined $2M for no-consent tracking of consumer viewing habits

Wednesday, February 8th, 2017

Now if they would only get them for their faulty remotes all would be well in the world 😉

Viewing habits were meticulously logged, tied to demographics and sold to third parties for ad targeting and tracking.

Source: TV maker VIZIO fined $2M for no-consent tracking of consumer viewing habits