Entries for the ‘Off Topic’ Category

Billboard Bananas

Thursday, May 25th, 2017

Scraping, Dissecting and Clustering the Billboard Hot 100 Charts

Fun stuff with R and very interesting reading.











Source: Billboard Bananas

Pocket: Top 10 Services Google Killed Off

Sunday, March 5th, 2017

Google has a long history of introducing, then forgetting about, and finally officially killing off its products.

Source: Pocket: Top 10 Services Google Killed Off

High Velocity Hiring Book 

Tuesday, February 21st, 2017


In High Velocity Hiring, I reveal my system for filling jobs effectively and instantly―making it your ultimate weapon in winning the war for talent. Learn the story behind High Velocity. You’ll learn about the innovative and actionable program that’s changing the way recruiting and hiring is done. I show you how to stop participating in the old way of hiring (keeping a job open until the right person shows up), and instead, engage in the new way of hiring (cultivating top talent until the right job shows up).You’ll take away a straightforward step-by-step approach, called the Talent Accelerator Process, that harnesses a flow of top talent, eliminates hiring delays, and maintains a pool of people ready to hire.  – Scott Wintrip, Author

Source: High Velocity Hiring Book | Wintrip Consulting Group