#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# dump_corpus_2csv.pl --- dumps the corpus buckets, with scoring and probability
# added, to an excel compatible csv file for analysis with excel
# This program authored by Scott W Leighton (helphand@pacbell.net)
# for use with Popfile and it's components, which are Copyrighted
# by John Graham-Cumming. The author hereby contributes this code
# to the Popfile project under the terms of the Popfile License
# Agreement. /Scott W Leighton/ January 25, 2004
# Revised Jan 24, 2004 - Complete rewrite for v 0.21.0
# Feb 23, 2004 - Ignore psuedo buckets, matrix words with zero times
# Mar 9, 2004 - Look for popfile.cfg in POPFILE_USER not POPFILE_ROOT
# Mar 10, 2004 - Make sure ROOT and USER end in /
# Popfile
# Copyright (c) 2001-2004 John Graham-Cumming
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use Getopt::Long;
# Main
my %opts;
GetOptions ("set=s%" => \%opts);
my $csvquote = $opts{csv_quote} || '"';
my $csvsep = $opts{csv_separator} || ',';
my $user = $opts{user} || 1;
my $time = localtime;
my $root = $ENV{POPFILE_ROOT} || './';
my $userroot = $ENV{POPFILE_USER} || './';
$root =~ s/[\/\\]$//;
$userroot =~ s/[\/\\]$//;
$root .= '/';
$userroot .= '/';
my %config;
if ( open CONFIG, '<' . $userroot .'popfile.cfg' ) {
while ( <CONFIG> ) {
if ( /(\S+) (.+)/ ) {
close CONFIG;
} else {
die "Unable to get POPFile's configuration from ${userroot}popfile.cfg : $!";
# Open the SQL database
my $dbname = $userroot . $config{bayes_database};
my $dbconnect = $config{bayes_dbconnect};
$dbconnect =~ s/\$dbname/$dbname/g;
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dbconnect,
$config{bayes_dbauth}) ||
die "$0 requires version 0.21.0 or higher of POPFile\n";
# Define some global work areas
my %wordhash = ();
my %wordcounts =();
my %words = ();
my %globalcount = ();
my $fn = 'dump_corpus.csv';
open CSV, ">$fn" or die "Unable to open ${fn} :$!\n";
print CSV join ( $csvsep,
qw ( BucketName
print CSV "\n";
# Get the buckets for this installation
my %buckets;
my @buckets = get_buckets();
# Go thru each bucket, grab the word list and word counts
foreach my $bucket (@buckets) {
if ($buckets{$bucket}{wordcount} > 0) {
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select words.word as word,
matrix.times as times
from matrix
left join words
on words.id = matrix.wordid
where matrix.times > 0 and
matrix.bucketid = ?;") || die $dbh->errstr;
$sth->execute($buckets{$bucket}{id}) || die $dbh->errstr;
while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
# Sort by simple word count
foreach my $bucket (sort keys %wordhash) {
my @keys = map { $_->[1] }
sort {
$b->[0] <=> $a->[0]
length($b->[0]) <=> length($a->[0])
$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]
map { [$wordhash{$bucket}{$_}{c},$_] }
keys %{$wordhash{$bucket}};
# Calculate the score and probability for each word
foreach my $word (@keys) {
my $max = 0;
my $max_bucket = '';
my $total = 0;
foreach my $x (@buckets) {
if (defined($wordhash{$x}{$word}) && exists ($wordhash{$x}{$word}{c}) && $wordhash{$x}{$word}{c} > 0) {
my $prob = exp(log($wordhash{$x}{$word}{c}/$wordcounts{$x}));
$total += $prob;
if ($prob > $max) {
$max = $prob;
$max_bucket = $bucket;
} else {
$total+= (0.10 / $globalcount{wordcount});
if (defined($wordhash{$bucket}{$word}{c}) && $wordhash{$bucket}{$word}{c} > 0) {
my $prob = exp(log($wordhash{$bucket}{$word}{c}/$wordcounts{$bucket}));
my $n = ($total > 0)?$prob / $total:0;
my $score = ($#buckets >= 0) ?log($n)/log(@buckets)+1:0;
# Sort by probability
@keys = map { $_->[1] }
sort {
$b->[0] <=> $a->[0]
length($b->[0]) <=> length($a->[0])
$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]
map { [$wordhash{$bucket}{$_}{p},$_] }
keys %{$wordhash{$bucket}};
for my $i ( 0 .. $#keys ) {
if (defined $wordhash{$bucket}{$keys[$i]}{c} ) {
print CSV join ( $csvsep,
sprintf("%.8f",($wordcounts{$bucket}?$wordhash{$bucket}{$keys[$i]}{c}/$wordcounts{$bucket}*100:0)) ,
sprintf("%.8f",($globalcount{wordcount}?$wordhash{$bucket}{$keys[$i]}{c}/$globalcount{wordcount}*100:0)) ,
print CSV "\n";
close CSV;
# All Done
# Routine to wrap array values in quotes
sub wrap_in_quotes {
my ($default_quote, @list) = @_;
my @newlist;
for (@list) {
push @newlist,$default_quote . $_ . $default_quote;
return @newlist;
sub get_buckets {
my $sth=$dbh->prepare('select name, id, pseudo from buckets
where pseudo = 0 and buckets.userid = ?;') || die $dbh->errstr;
$sth->execute($user) || die $dbh->errstr;
while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
# get the wordcount for the bucket
my $sth2=$dbh->prepare('select sum(matrix.times) as btot
from matrix where matrix.bucketid = ?;') || die $dbh->errstr;
$sth2->execute($row->{id}) || die $dbh->errstr;
while (my $row2 = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref) {
# get the color of the bucket
$sth2=$dbh->prepare("select bucket_params.val as color
from bucket_params
left join bucket_template on bucket_params.btid
= bucket_template.id
where bucket_params.bucketid = ?
and bucket_template.name = 'color' ;") || die $dbh->errstr;
$sth2->execute($row->{id}) || die $dbh->errstr;
while (my $row2 = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref) {
return keys %buckets;